Re: When you see millions of the mouthless dead / Charles Sorley

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Abgeschickt von Robert Wohlleben am 14 Dezember, 2000 um 11:36:53

Antwort auf: When you see millions of the mouthless dead / Charles Sorley von Holger Gögelein am 23 November, 2000 um 19:39:15:

Ich weiß von keiner Übersetzung ... vielleicht in der einen oder andren Anthologie? (Nicht in "Ohne Haß und Fahne".)

Ich setze das Sonett her. RW

    When you see millions of the mouthless dead
    Across your dreams in pale battalions go,
    Say not soft things as other men have said,
    That you'll remember. For you need not so.
    Give them not praise. For, deaf, how should they know
    It is not curses heaped on each gashed head?
    Nor tears. Their blind eyes see not your tears flow.
    Nor honour. It is easy to be dead.
    Say only this, "They are dead." Then add thereto,
    "yet many a better one has died before."
    Then, scanning all the overcrowded mass, should you
    Perceive one face that you loved heretofore,
    It is a spook. None wears the face you knew.
    Great death has made all this for evermore.

    Charles Hamilton Sorley


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